25 Questions Tag

I have decided to do the 25 Questions Tag as a blogpost. I'm not sure whether you're supposed to do that, but, oh well. Just living life on the edge...

1.What is your middle name?... Kithmini (I think it's cute)
2.What's your favourite subject at school?... Biology
3.What is your favourite drink?... Diet Coke (how healthy)
4.What is your favourite song at the moment?... Pompeii by Bastille

5.What would you name your kids?... Now this is a hard one, probably Singhalese names.
6.Do you take part in any sports?... I used to do a lot of swimming, but now I don't have any time so I've stopped. Nowadays, if I have time, I like to play some tennis or some rounders (a less glorified version of baseball). 
7.Favourite book of all time?... Sherlock Holmes (all of them), I just love detective novels. 
8.Favourite colour?... Coral pink.
9.Favourite animal?... I have a lot of respect for the tiger. 
10.Favourite perfume?... I love all fruity perfumes, especially Jimmy Choo (even though they're famous for their shoes). 
11.Favourite holiday?... Now this is hard, I quite like the Easter and Summer holidays. 
12.Have you graduated high school?... No, not yet, I've still got two years of Sixth Form left. 
13.Have you ever been out of the country?...Yes, several times. 
14.Do you speak any other languages?... Yes, I speak Singhalese and I am also learning French and Spanish. 
15.How many siblings do you have?... 1, a younger brother.
16.What is your favourite store?... I quite like New Look. 
17.Favourite restaurant?... I am quite a fan of Nandos and Brown's in Cambridge. 
18.Do you like school?... Yes, I do quite enjoy it (please don't judge).
19.Favourite blog?... I am a big fan of Louise's blog (AKA Sprinkleofglitter).
20.Favourite movie?... I absolutely loved the Help.
21.Favourite Tv show?... Friends.
22.PC or Mac?... Mac definitely. 
23. What phone do you have?... HTC Desire S. 
24.How tall are you?... I am 5'3, but I like to think that I'll grow some more (probably not). 
25. What part of your body do you like the most and your least favourite?... My teeth and I don't like my nose. 

I hope this was slightly insightful and I tag you!!!
Adios. xxx
