My Hobbies

Hello again!
I'm just going to write about some of the things that interest me. I would love to know the kind of things that you get up to in your free time and your hobbies. 

I'm someone who loves music. I have been playing the piano since the age of five and performing in various concerts. I also play the oboe, the steel drums (think about Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid and the drums that you hear). I also sing. I don't know how well I play these instruments, I guess I'll have to ask the audience (who are mostly family members), but I do love doing it all the same.  For me, music is something that can instantly lift my mood and make me feel happy. 

I love music, because of its ability to instantly lift and change my mood. My favourite singer and musician of all time has to be Beyonce. I have admired her pure natural talent for so long. I think she is a very inspirational woman and I would absolutely love to see her live or even to meet her (despite the fact that I may faint upon eye contact). 

I loved swimming for a long time, because it seemed to be the only 'sport' I could do, as I wasn't the thinnest of people in my youth. Unfortunately, as I got older, the commitment levels for swimming increased and I couldn't cope with it, as I had my schoolwork to concentrate on (I had a feeling that I wasn't going to become an olympic swimmer). Tennis is a sport that I now enjoying playing, as both my brother and father are very good at it (my brother's very good, which doesn't pose well for me as I am five years older than him). I play rounders and badminton at school, which I thoroughly enjoy because I get time to exercise and chat to my friends. 

I also love to shop (oh, how girly). However, I am only sixteen, so I'm only able to 'window shop'. But I love it all the same. I could literally spend a whole day in a shopping centre (or mall), looking round each shop and manage to emerge from the day without purchasing anything at all! How talented I am. But, I feel like that won't last for long, once I start to work and earn my own money. 

In terms of reading, I am a huge fan of detective novels, especially the epitome of detective novels; Sherlock Holmes. I love all the books and the television show (featuring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, I'm sure you know what I'm referring to). Basically, I like quite emotional books or rather mysterious books. Currently, I don't have much time to read, but when I do, I think my Kindle will occupy me well. 

One of other favourite hobbies is travelling (I'm not sure whether that can be classed as a hobby, but oh well). I wish to travel and see the world, which may seem cliched, but who doesn't. I'm somebody who is always unsure about taking opportunities and experiencing new things, but I think to myself that, if I don't, I may be missing out on some amazing memories. 

So those are some of my hobbies, I may adopt some more in the future, who knows!
Adios. xxx
