Imagine if ... "you could predict the future"

Hello and welcome everybody, to another of my posts where I ramble and ponder about the impossible. If someone ever asks me what sort of superpower I would most like to have, I think I would undoubtedly confess to wanting to be able to tell the future. Personally, I think it will be the most useful (other than super-strength or speed) in the modern world. It might seem strange because people are so caught up in 'living in the moment' these days, but the future may not be something that people want to know. I understand that the long-term future for us all will inevitably lead to our departure from this planet (apologies for lowering the tone, but we must face facts), but as an adolescent (or teenager as some of you like to brand us) who has their whole life ahead of them, knowing something of the future could bring some relief and leave us less stressed about our future outcome. For those who have already accomplished all within their life, then the future may either be something they are not looking forward to, or it might bring some pleasant surprises. I think, it's something entirely subjective.

Sometimes I wonder, 'what am I going to end up doing one day?', 'will I fulfil my dream of becoming a doctor, or will I turn to a different walk of life?' , 'where will I end up living one day?' or 'will I be happy with what I have achieved?'. Obviously, I have no clue as to what the answers to those questions are going to be, I can only guess. So, just for once, I would like to delve into my future to see what life has in store for me. Sometimes, it might end up being a waking call and one may have to completely change their lifestyle, in case they end up foreseeing a more troubled life than they expected. I guess, what I'm trying to coherently communicate is that, it would be nice to have a little advanced notice, so you can change within the present and possibly alter your future. I know this is entirely hypothetical, but wouldn't that relieve you of some major stress? For me, I think knowing what the future holds could be a vital part of shaping my actual future.

I also sometimes wonder, how the world will change in years to come. We all know about the imminent changes to our planet's climate and environment, but how will it actually end up? Will there be horrendous floods that drown entire countries (yes, I know that is slightly too far-fetched, but how am I to know?) Are we then all going to pack our bags and move to another planet? I can't stop myself from imagining the future that is always predicted in movies or television shows, where there are floating buildings and cars that fly. It seems incredibly ridiculous, as I write this now, but how do we know what' s going to happen? The rate at which we are advancing, we might end up eradicating some incredibly deadly diseases from this planet. On the other hand, the world population could increase so rapidly that we start to inhabit more and more areas that were originally solely dedicated to wild animals. What if the common animals that we know today, like giraffes and zebras become extinct and in there place, there exists a slightly more evolved and adapted hybrid (perhaps a gebra or ziraffe)? As you can tell, the future can be a frightening reality.

Unfortunately, nobody I know is gifted with such an ability, which may indeed be a good thing. You might feel slightly stranded or incredibly apprehensive about everything if your psychic powers informed you of the death of a loved one or if it indicates to you that your life isn't going to take the path you intended due to certain circumstances. Wouldn't that be thoroughly disappointing? Knowing everything about the future could make life less interesting as the world would cease to surprise you. You would know about your every move, before it actually happened. I suppose that takes the pleasure out of living and feeling alive. Once again, this is an argument that has two sides (oh how predictable). This sort of power could fall into the hands of the good and could save millions of lives and put an end to suffering as we know it. But, simultaneously, it could fall into wrong hands and be used to create havoc. So, I suppose it's up to you where you stand in this particular scenario.

Sometimes I really wish I could know even the slightest of details about my impending future, just to assure me that things are going to be okay. But, that is not an ability that we have, so we have to endure life as it comes, when it comes and how it comes. I suppose being psychic gives us an unfair advantage, which may ruin the balance of nature. However, on the other hand, it will really sharpen our 'decision-making' ability, based on what life throws at us. Don't you think? Anyway, thanks for reading.

Adios. xxx
