My School Prom (29.06.2013)

Hello again everybody... I really need to come up with a better opening phrase. Hmmm... got any ideas? Anyway, as you can probably tell, this post is about the receding rainforests of the Amazon. Oh wait, sorry, I misread the title. It is in fact a summary of my prom. I bet you can't wait to here the insightful details and the breakdown of what really happened. To be honest, nothing major of the sort actually happened.

I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I left everything until the very end as I wasn't too bothered. So, shoes, bag and makeup were very much ignored for the vast majority of the process leading up to the 'prom day'. So as not to feel alone, I invited my friend Elisha along to get ready with me. There was a bit of a hullabaloo (yes, I think that word accurately sums it up) regarding the hairdressers. Firstly the problem arose when I asked my mother to book the hair appointments and conveniently forgot to mention the fact that we would require some work done on our faces... no, I don't mean botox or plastic surgery, but makeup. So, I frantically rang up the hairdressers about two days in a row, trying to pry two makeup appointments out of their busy schedule. Alas, I was not very lucky in securing those appointments, so I had to confess to my friend that makeup was not going to happen. I wasn't too flustered at this point because my mother is fairly good with makeup, so I was going to rely on her ability to miraculously transform me into a princess (believe me, that never ended up happening). My friend, upon receiving the news of my failure to book a makeup appointment, hurriedly booked an appointment at her local salon. So, she was to get her makeup done and arrive at the hairdressers for her appointment.

However, being the very organised person that I am, I told her the wrong time for her appointment and her mother was forced to drive dangerously fast (bordering on F1 speeds) to get her to the hairdressers on time. Yes, as you can tell, getting ready for prom was a very smooth process. Meanwhile, I was getting my hair done into a particular up-do that I had found on the internet. I find hairdressers quite friendly these days, but as I am not one who books a daily hair appointment, I don't have any gossip to catch up on with these particular hairdressers (nor do I know them by name, as some of their older customers do). So, there I was, stuck in a chair, worrying no end whether my friend was going to arrive in time and having to explain my life story to the lovely lady curling my hair. Eventually, however, my friend arrived and I was able to sit back and breathe a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, my poor mother was forced to frantically walk from shop to shop trying to find me some shoes and a clutch bag to go with the dress I was planning to wear. Yes, I know, I should have already bought those but as you can tell, my preparation skills were far from excellent. Eventually, we managed to get our hair done without any more further problems and my mother managed to locate some shoes and a handbag. At that point, I wasn't really bothered whether I was carrying a clutch or a rucksack, I just wanted to get to the venue in one piece.

We returned home and ate some lunch because a formal dinner had not been part of the itinerary and we had no intention of fainting in the middle of the whole event. Then, we busied ourselves with changing into our dresses without damaging our intricate hairstyles. Fortunately, we managed to do so with no major mishaps. Then, we completed our transformation with a few touch-ups on our makeup and began the long and arduous process of posing for family photos, whilst our mothers repeatedly confessed how 'grown-up' we looked. My father arrived a few minutes later and drove us to the venue, as he had promised to act as our chauffeur. I finally felt as if the completely unorganised 'getting ready' procedure had come together at just the right moment. We arrived literally on the dot (unfortunately we were unable to be 'fashionably late') and then we were faced with another barrage of photographers of various levels of enthusiasm. Once again, we were forced to adopt a certain posture and pose for their cameras until our facial muscles began to feel fatigued.

Then, other people began to arrive with their prospective dates (Elisha and I were not lucky enough to secure any males to escort us, which didn't really bother us too much). To be truthful, that was genuinely the most exciting and enjoyable part of our whole prom. I loved to see how different people looked in their various attires. I am so familiar with seeing my friends in the usual navy uniform, that I couldn't help but squeal with excitement as I saw everyone dressed up so well. There was such a variety of beautiful dresses and an assortment of rather unnecessarily high heels. I sympathised with the girls that were bound to seven inch platforms, but at the same time, it was their choice to endure such pain. The hall that was booked for our prom featured interesting floral decorations, disco lights, a DJ and a large screen where pictures of us that were obtained from each and every social networking site were projected on to it, just to embarrass those who had omitted from applying any touch-ups or filters to those pictures. Yes, as you can imagine there were a fair few gasps when the most horrifically embarrassing of pictures featured in the slide show, but all in all, I don't think that scheme was a bad idea. Over in one sad corner of the hall was a food table with an assortment of unhealthy snacks (apart from the grapes, which I think some of the males interpreted as a supplement for wine). There were around five or six tables that were each decorated according to the overall colour scheme and a reasonably large dance floor. A drinks bar was situated in another corner of the room.

So, there we have it. That was the overall layout of the evening, but the evening itself didn't pan out so fantastically. People were 'afraid' (I think that's the appropriate word) to dance and socialise. I didn't understand why because the music being played wasn't altogether that horrendous. Some of my close friends got together (including me) to advertise our wide array of dance moves, which featured 'the robot', 'the sprinkler' and even occasionally 'the running man'. I hoped more people would laugh and dance, but I had a feeling that all of their attention was focused on the 'after party', which I wasn't going to attend due to its notoriety. At least the food at the table was consumed (I was in no way involved in that).

Overall, I thought the day was memorable and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing my friends in their respective attire. I thought they all looked fabulous. I would have hoped for more interaction between various people in our year, but one can't have everything in life. I would love to know the sort of prom experience that you went through, please feel free to comment below. Thank you so much for reading.

Adios. xxx
